The Battle of Franklin Trust: Rippavilla, Carter House, and Carnton
- Event Venue
- Tourism & Attractions
The Battle of Franklin Trust: Rippavilla, Carter House, and CarntonHours:9-5 Monday - Saturday, and 11-5 Sunday, 360 days of the year. Closed New Year's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Day.
As the 501(c) (3) corporation that manages three historic sites in middle Tennessee, Carter House, Carnton, and Rippavilla, interpretation begins with the founders of America and their audacious experiment in liberty. The mission of The Battle of Franklin Trust is to preserve, understand, and interpret the story of a people forever impacted by the American Civil War.
Guided Tours in house, and on the grounds (90+ acres): 60 and 90 minutes, up to 1/2 day, 7 days a week : 9-5 Monday - Saturday, and 11-5 Sunday
Interpretation examines challenges to that experiment in the nineteenth century that propelled us toward war, and the three constitutional amendments which followed. Finally, it traces the evolution of liberty into the twenty-first century and confronts the challenges still facing us today. Tours and exhibitions continually evolve to reflect recent research, tackling crucial topics such as slavery and the enslaved, Reconstruction, and life in post-war America.
One key goal at the Trust is to teach a wide audience about why there was a terrible Civil War, right here in America, and why its outcome is so very relevant to those of us living today. This means those that have lived here for generations as well as those that aspire to migrate here as soon as possible. It is our job to educate, and sometimes history can be uncomfortable. Some find it difficult to let go of the past, while others find parts of history almost impossible to concede.
5700 Main Street, Spring Hill, TN is less than 1 mile south of Saturn Parkway, east side of Main Street.