Get ready! We are mixing things up for our next quarterly LINK networking event. We invite you to a SPRING HILL CHAMBER + CONNECT SPRING HILL Networking Mashup Event on Thursday, December 14, 2023, at Viking Pizza from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM.
This event is designed to connect professionals, build relationships, and drive referrals to and help grow your business. Make sure to prepare a quick 60-second pitch about who you are and what you do, as well as your specific referral ask for the meeting (how we can help promote your business). There will be a few minutes at the end of the event for members to talk more and/or set up one-on-one meetings.
Connect Spring Hill is an area networking organization that meets weekly at Viking Pizza. Learn more about them here. The Spring Hill Chamber thanks them for partnering with us to create this unique networking opportunity for our members.
If you want to kick start 2024 with some new connections, make sure to take advantage of this free networking opportunity!
Don't forget to share your selfies at the event on social using #GETCONNECTED.
Thank you to our sponsor, Williamson Health.